
Scars As I was reading a book recently, I noticed the main character seemed a bit odd.  She might be described as type A personality; high-stress, impatient – maybe even a bit aggressive. As I continued to read, the story began to give hints about the scars this young woman carried. Little by little it […]

I Still Believe

I Still Believe… While walking one day, God spoke to me about believing. Walking through an event like a pandemic can leave us with many doubts about the future.  Yet, as I walked that day, I heard Him say: “Still believe”.   My mind turned to the many times I had doubted: the premature birth of […]

Healing Is a Beast

Anyone else relate to this title, Healing Is A Beast? I certainly can!  The Beast  I was reminded of this recently, in a very painful way. It started out as a normal Saturday morning. Tim and I enjoyed our morning coffee together, did some brainstorming about changes we could make with our business, took our […]

The Grass Is Greener

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence, isn’t it? God has a way of showing me different things. I just need to be open enough to catch it.   Recently on our way to church, I saw a cow poking its head through the barbed wire fence, stretching to eat the greener […]

Surrendering Changes Everything!

After seeing the movie Breakthrough, there were two critical points that really made an impact on me. The first is when Joyce Smith arrives at the hospital and is escorted into the ER room where her 14-year-old son lies lifeless. All life-saving measures have been stopped. John fell through the ice into Lake Sainte Louise, […]

Twenty Dollars and a Porter

A while back, I flew out to spend a week with my daughter Mia, her husband Sam and their first baby Aiden—then only two weeks old. I was so excited to meet my newest grandson! Having a newborn in the house meant there would be some big changes and adjustments for their little family. I […]

Traveling: More Than Worth It

Usually I enjoy occasional travel, but last year was very different. Not only did I spend more time traveling than most years; there was an unprecedented number of delays.  I’ve come to expect holdups from snow and ice when flying in the winter. However, I mostly took flights in the summer, so it was odd […]

Cards On the Mantel

Visiting my daughter recently, I noticed she had put the cards on display that she’d recently received for her birthday. There they were all on top of her mantel. I looked at each card; some were pretty while others had a silly picture. Spending time looking at each card was peaceful and brought back memories.  […]

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