About Diana

Your Journey to Finding Hope, Healing, and Fulfillment Starts Here

Even if you’re facing heartache, feeling lost in your role as an empty nester, grieving the loss of a loved one, or simply seeking a deeper sense of purpose, there’s always hope for a brighter future.

Whether you’re striving to improve communication in your marriage or seeking to embrace a new chapter in your life, you can create a path forward filled with joy and fulfillment.

For over 15 years, I’ve had the privilege of guiding clients through a wide range of transformative journeys.

My passion for helping others began with my own journey of restoring my marriage after my husband’s infidelity. This personal experience ignited my dedication to supporting others in navigating their own challenges and finding healing and growth.

My academic background provides a strong foundation for my work. I hold a BA in Psychology, Sociology, and Criminal Justice from Illinois State University. To deepen my impact, my husband and I completed advanced training through Coach U’s Fast Track program and I have earned certification as an Advanced Christian Life Coach from Light University.

This combination of education and personal experience equips me with a deep understanding of the complexities people face, whether dealing with marital issues, navigating life transitions, or seeking personal growth. I’ve empowered countless individuals and couples to find their voice, restore their relationships, and move toward a life of divine fulfillment and happiness.

Here’s a testimonial from a recent client:

“After my husband’s affair, I never thought I would be happy again. It was the most difficult and devastating time of my life. Diana helped me through the many trials of healing from infidelity. Her guidance was invaluable.”
— C., Quebec

My approach is built on Passion, Faith, Compassion, and Purpose.

I’ve seen firsthand how transformative this approach can be, even in the most challenging circumstances. For example, I once worked with a client whose husband initially resisted my involvement. Through dedicated one-on-one work, she transformed her approach, leading her husband to request a Private Intensive. Despite the tragic circumstances of his wife’s cancer diagnosis, they experienced their remaining time together in a healed and supportive marriage.

Outside my professional work, I am a devoted mom and grandma, actively involved in my church, and have contributed to various nonprofits, including:

  • Board Member for The March of Dimes
  • Co-founder of Special Care Infants, Midland Texas
  • Officer roles in PTOs, Junior Women’s Club, and Junior League
  • Advisor for MOPS 

I also coordinate Broken and Beautiful, a support group for women who have been betrayed, and my husband and I have led our church’s Marriage Ministry for over five years. Currently, we teach a marriage class at our church, Enriching Your Marriage.

The reality is this:

No matter what challenge you’re facing—whether it’s marital issues, the empty nest phase, the loss of a spouse, or a desire to find purpose—there are more options and hope available than you might think. I’d love to connect with you and discuss how I can support and guide you through your unique journey.

Ready to start your path to fulfillment and renewed purpose?

Fast Facts About Diana

Diana is a Life Coach with a heart to give clients hope.

While Diana has always been driven to help others, it wasn’t her passion until she went through a devasting event in her marriage and had to adjust to unexpected changes. Her goal is to give hope to those who feel hopeless, along with helping clients embrace change. With wisdom from her own experiences and the knowledge she has gained through her life lessons, she guides clients to embrace their learnings.

Tim and Diana enjoy time together.

It can be watching a sporting event together, out to dinner, time with friends, spending time with family, playing games, or reading a daily devotional together. A couple of their favorite places are home with family or at the beach. One of their greatest rewards is the work they do together helping couples heal their marriages from infractions in the marriage through coaching or a private intensive. They have helped couples build stronger marriages through seminars or the marriage care group they lead at their home church.  They also have developed a Pre-Marital Program to give couples tools at the start of their marriage. To learn more about Tim and Diana, visit www.thejourneythrough.com.

Because Tim and Diana have known devastation in their marriage, they make a point to celebrate each wedding anniversary!

Each year together is a year full of excitement, unknowns, and change. Through their journey, they have learned that is it important to work to protect their marriage every day.

Diana describes her four children as a gift.

Her focus is to create bonds and relationships with each of her children and their families. They are the fruit of her effort, and she is proud of each of them. In her words, they are awesome!

One of Diana’s greatest joys is her grandchildren.

Diana hopes to establish a strong bond with each of her grandchildren and feels blessed when she is able to spend time with them. Diana says, “Being with my grandchildren is my sweet spot.”

Diana has a soft loving touch not only with babies, but with her clients as well.

Compassion is revealed in her soft-spoken demure, allowing not only an infant to find comfort in her arms, but her clients to feel secure. Feeling safe allows her clients to be open and free to express their fears, pains, and uncertainties.  

Diana has always had a heart for dogs.

While the children were at home, the family enjoyed Golden Retrievers, but when the children left home, Diana decided she wanted a lap dog and opted for Little Bear, a Yorkie. She has received unconditional love and real joy from her fur babies. Unfortunately, there has been much heartache when she has had to say goodbye. She believes that dogs demonstrate unconditional love, something we as humans can learn from them.

Diana is pictured here with Bo, who she recused after learning that his elderly earth parents had passed, leaving 4-year-old Bo homeless.

In her downtime, Diana loves to travel or spend time at the beach.

The beach is Diana’s favorite place for relaxation, reflection, and to enjoy God’s beauty. It’s a place for her to regenerate and listen to God.

Diana and Tim are pictured here at their alma mater, Illinois State University, for a football team reunion.

Tim played football at Illinois State University where he majored in Accounting. Diana majored in Psychology, Sociology, and Criminal Justice.

In 2009, they both attended a Fast Track coaching program through Coach U. Diana continued her coaching studies through Light University, where she has received her certificate as an Advance Christian Life Coach. 


Heal Your Marriage

We Saved Our Marriage,
You can save yours too.

[email protected]

(727) 421-4589

P.O. Box 22445

Tampa, FL 33622

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Heal Your Marriage

We Saved Our Marriage,
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