Having trouble recovering from the holidays? Regaining “normal” seems a little bit out of reach? These simple tips will help you regain your equilibrium and be ready for a fantastic 2022!
- Focus on being present
- Be openly grateful
- Schedule some down time with loved ones… or yourself
- Pray
These all work together to help you regain your sense of normal and balance. The holidays can be great fun, but there is often a lot of pressure associated with them. By being completely present in each moment, the “hoopla” of the holidays begins to fade and you reconnect with the person or task immediately in front of you. Sometimes that is just about being quiet.
Being openly grateful helps to overcome any disappointments that might have occurred throughout the festive season. It is nearly impossible to feel grateful for what you do have and disappointed by unmet expectations at the same time. Focus in on the gratitude. You (and your loved ones!) will be happier for it.
Down time will help your body and your mind to recuperate. We tend to run ourselves right up to the brink of (and sometimes over it!) exhaustion. So much to do, people to see, and it all comes with a heightened sense of excitement. Down time will allow the adrenaline to regulate in your body.
Last, but most definitely not least, spend some time in prayer. Thank God for the good that you’ve been given and even for the disappointing because it, too, serves a purpose. Ask for His strength to do what comes next for you in 2022. And give thanks for a new year to serve and love well.